Saturday, February 6, 2010

Slow and steady wins the race

The first Noro Striped Scarf I did took about a month. Much of it was knit in one weekend, when a friend and I took a quite trip down to Bournemouth in early April. There was lots of train and car time, as well as watching of Rugby. So it went fairly quickly, and I was so enamored of the clever color changes that I started the next one immediately. I'd even brought the yarn with me so I wouldn't be bored on the trip back. My comment on the start of my new scarf for Ravelry was as follows...

"I get the feeling i will be making a lot of these suckers…"

Oh what a fool I was. Nearly a year later I have FINALLY cast off this second monstrosity, which I made wider and longer than the first...and promptly lost interest in the minute I got back from Bournemouth. See, here's the thing: I hate ribbing. Totally, utterly and completely. I love how ribbing looks, particularly K1 P1, but for me, the actual DOING and knitting of the thing drives me utterly mad. It bores me to tears. So more than about 10 rows of it and I'm ready to go do something else, something my dishes, or vacuuming.
I picked half heartedly at it here and there over the months, and in the past few weeks finally decided it was time to get it DONE. I will not countenance a UFO hanging out in my knitting basket untouched for a full year (Oh, wait? My Green Gable Hoodie has been untouched since September 2008 you say? That totally doesn't count, totally doesn't.). So, at last, and knit over many hours of Firefly, coffee and my newly discovered addiction, Sea Patrol. I give you my second Noro Striped Scarf.

Pattern: Noro Striped Scarf by Jared Flood
Yarn: Noro Kureyon #170 and 52 (2 or 3 skeins each, i'm not quite sure, but I think it's 3)
Needles: US 8
Length: Roughly 5'10, or just a bit taller than I am

Notes: It needs blocking, as there's a bit of a curve to it because I don't always remember to slip my first stitch. On the whole, however, I am VERY pleased....and sort of want to make another one, but I'm thinking I will wait a bit for the trauma that is K1P1 to recede.

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