Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Starting Over, or something like it

So after finishing my finals, turning in my Master's thesis, and taking a 2 1/2 week vacation I am now back in London. So far, all i've done is ascertain that my TV does in fact work, an that my internet doesn't. Oh, that and start picking up after coming home to find my kitchen trashed. Overall, i'm feeling rather stationary and a bit depressed. I have no idea what i'm doing with my life right now, so i might as well write about it!

On the list:
1. Student Detectives
2. Clean flat and unpack/finish moving in
3. Get internet working (Maybe that should be number 1)
4. Careers service - get an internship/job
5. PhD Applications.

It's a start. In the meantime i will take today to clean, sleep and possibly get the internet working so i can start uploading pictures from my various trips. I dont think it will be a terribly productive one....hey, i might even shower and change into clean PJs ;) .

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