Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Letters from Across the Pond

Dear Yas and IQ,

Because of the time change, I'm figuring this is as good a way to write to you kids and let you know what I've been up to on my trip home. The trip started out with my flight back - which was mostly okay, complete with a vociferously-swearing, dual-blackberry-wielding American Businessman with a cold and a couple of screaming babies. On the whole though, it wasn't too bad, and the sunset we landed in was gorgeous, i just wish i'd be able to capture all the colors. This is the best one I got, mostly reds and blooms, the greens just simply wouldn't cooperate. After getting home from the airport....I promptly passed out. There may have been a brief foray into laundry before that happened, but I don't quite recall. I blame the jet lag.
The next day Mom came in, and we had some amaaaaaazing sushi for lunch, followed by general hanging out and enjoyment of life. There was also a serious amount of cleaning out my closest and room. I know that wherever I end up next year, the reckoning is nigh and I'm going to have to deal with all my crap that is scattered across the 4 corners of the earth. My hope is that I can minimize enough of the other stuff, that when my family figures out just how much yarn I own they won't have me committed. Or drowned.
The day after Mom left, sadly the weather was not nearly as fun. It's so weird waking up inside of a cloud.
Thankfully, the fog burned off (though it didn't on Monday or today) and Dad and I took a trip down the park underneath the GW Bridge. You'd never know it was there if a local didn't show you. Lucky me, I had an in!

Last but not least....I'm sure I've mentioned "The Dog" .....there are no words, other than "Soda can added for scale"

So that's part 1 of "What I've Been Up To", what about you folks? Anything interesting on your end? In my next letter: Dinner and night shots of the city, and the aweeeesome Lego exhibit.

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