About a week ago, Yas and I followed up our YumCha

tea bliss experience with a visit to
Postcard Teas, near Bond Street. It's easily accessible, but still quiet and off the main road. Not to mention, the show front is incredibly classically inviting. The inside wasn't quite so comfortable, as this is clearly intended to be more of a tasting, buying and then going away sort of place, as opposed to a shop where you sit and nurse that cup of tea for a good hour or so. But, it was very quiet, and nice place to sit for a bit. Not to mention their tea choices rather blew my mind. Seriously, go look at their blends on the website, it's like tea porn.

Yas went with the Mountain Grey, aka Earl Grey, but it was way too bitter for my taste.

Whereas I opted to try the Jasmine Che, based on the description; "Jasmine Che is the finest quality Vietnamese Jasmine tea. Made from ancient tea trees grown as wild by Ms Nguyen Thi Thuy and then scented in the summer with the freshest jasmine flowers."
My favorite part about it was the smell, which was so heady

it was like snorting a bunch of wild jasmine flowers...except, apparently they have no scent. Either way, it was great. The tea itself had an interesting smoky flavor to it which I couldn't quite place, but also enjoyed. It was a nice, light lunch tea, as opposed to the heavier (and stronger) Mountain Grey. The Mountain Grey is one of those teas you want when you have to get up at 3 am to catch a plane, but don't have the brain power to figure out how the coffee maker works, never mind that you've owned it for years.
Afterward we took a look downstairs at the small exhibition the shop had, featuring lots of different tea sets from around the world. Quick, but very cute. Which is a pretty accurate description of the place overall, I don't think I'd want to sit there for a long time and mull over my world philosophy with a cuppa, but I'd definitely enjoy popping in for something quick, fantastic, and new.
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