Monday, June 20, 2011

A-ward Bound, (iPod part 3)

No, my dear, dedicated...two readers. (Hi!), I have not forgotten about the iPod thing. Last week involved all sorts of shenanigans (soon to follow), So now it's time to catch up on the songs.

I started my new volunteering gig last week, a few mornings a week doing office work for a non-profit. It's calm and mindless, and a great time to make big headway on my track list. I started with the A's, since My car and my iPod differ as to how what order the symbols/numbers should be played in. But everyone can get along with regards to alphabetizing. It's pretty finite.

So far, I am still plowing through the As. Starting with  ABC by the Jackson 5 (still awesome) and i'm now up to Always by Blink-182. If there are any song writers out there, please take this moment to absorb that it is time to start coming up with songs that are NOT titled  starting with "All" or "Alone"....the 'Alls' chunk of my playlist is 46 songs, not including duplicates.  I also have 5 or 6 completely different songs that are titled "All I need".  Time to be more creative, kids.

Some highlights from the bunch:

-Acts 1-5 of Much Ado About Nothing by the Royal Shakespeare Company (radio version?). Always a fun listen, and kept me busy for much of my time in the office.
- I may have discovered a little bit of love for Toby Keith
- I seem to have an obscene amount of Bruce Springsteen. I knew this already, but i keep being surprised at the sheer amount of it. Particularly as I was never a huge fan? Not that I object, but just....seriously.

By my count i'm 149 songs in, not counting the symbol/number songs. Which should add another 20-30 or so. At this rate, I'll be done in a few years.

Monday, June 13, 2011


I started up on blogging again, but on a different page. This particular blog is heavily associated with my Sister's death, I find, which tends to make me incredibly reluctant to go anywhere near it. Hence, the fresh start. I'm not trying to hide this one, I just want the break.

Current updates posted here:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dusting it off

Okay, i've been bad about this. But i feel like i should do it more. (Sound familiar? Shut up)
Let's start with some photos from my visit to my dad in NJ/NYC this weekend.

First up, we have the base of the GW bridge, from Ross Landing in Fort Lee. On Saturday afternoon we took a minor hike down the palisades and along the waterfront. It's a gorgeous view, albeit not always the best smelling. I'm sure all sorts of money has gone into restoring the area, and for the most part, New Jersey/Fort Lee have done a really good job. Then again, it IS the Hudson, so it's never going to be something I'd consider swimming in. There were,however, hordes of people down at the landing barbecuing, playing football and having extended family reunions. I gather that the Landing is a secret place for the Locals, unless you know where to look, you'd never know it was there, or where the entrance was. It also provided some spectacular views.
Second, we have downtown, as viewed from the NY/NJ Ferry, coming into their main departure point in New York (I forget the name, possibly Port Imperial?) When I did an internship in NYC for a summer, I discovered that this really was the most pleasant way to get into the city. Depending on where you are going, the subway can take up to two hours, and parking is obscenely expensive. The Ferry was a nice, happy medium. Also, during the summer months, it was just a nice pleasant commute (instead of stressing out in rush hour traffic, or having to stand for 9 million stops because all the seats were full. This was also right after I took my first infectious disease course, so I was absolutely convinced I was going to get plague if i touched anything. It made for a rather stressful ride).

Friday, February 18, 2011

In the middle

The blog became an outlet for me in the immediate throes of my grief. I haven't really been able to face it since then. Too much rawness.

Coming up on four months, and i'm back in Michigan. I'm studying at a local community college, I'll have to start over with the MPH next year. I struggle frequently with feeling like i'm only treading water, and not moving forward. I think that's pretty common.

There are good days and bad, the past few have been pretty good, in large part to how sunny it's been. I can't wait until spring.