Debbie Mazar – I agree with Len – good energy, decent footwork if a bit flat. Also, Holy Back Muscles, Batman!! I feel like Debbie is one of those stars who everyone can recognize but no one knows what her name is. She did well, but not memorably so.
Melissa Joan Hart – That smile on her face is so genuine, it makes me really happy. I’ll admit to actually tearing up over how truly joyful she looked….that’s…kind of silly but it was just utterly heart ( or hart, if you’re into puns) warming. To be fair, her foot work was a bit smooshy. But she is incredibly graceful. Clarissa Explains it All was a huge part of my childhood though, so she automatically has me rooting for her!
Mya – good lines, beautiful flowing lines and innately graceful, She did really well (Carrie Anne agreed!) . Also, Wow to the score differences…Len is cranky tonight. She’s good though and I think will definitely take a while to knock off.
Kathy Ireland – When I first heard she was on the show, I could only remember her as ‘the bra lady’. For people who don’t remember who she is, the answer is she’s the designer who makes most of the sports bras you find at Target. Her footwork was kind of mincing, and she clearly had her eyes on his feet, not great at counting (like she said…not good with keeping a beat). I notice that he did a lot of flashy arm moves to try and distract the eye from her, and she was like a dead stick, overly careful. Not terribly impressed.
Natalie Coughlin – The girl can definitely move her hips, I also think she improved a bit as the dance went on and she relaxed more. So far she goes up as the most flexible, (also very athletic, nice back flip). But I’m not as sure about her, she seems to have it, but I just feel like there was something lacking.
Macy Grey – Let me just start by saying that I am biased against Ms. Grey. Having seen various interviews she gave many years ago, I think she has a horrible attitude, and is well….a bitch. Plus, rehearsing while finishing up a tour? Probably not wise. She also just looks angry, in all the initial shots where everyone else looked excited she just looked well…cranky. She’s incredibly stiff, but I’m utterly shocked that this woman even knows how to smile…most of the time she just seems to have her mouth gaping open…I suppose it’s better than a scowl. Come on woman, try at and least PRETEND to be happy. I think Carrie Ann had it right….it’s beautiful in it’s own bizarre way. Wait….why did they blur it out…what did she say!! (points for making Bruno fall over laughing)
Joanna Krupa - Being Derrick’s partner is always tough…because that man is smokin’. But She seemed to do well. Good attitude and decent beat. What the heck is up with those pants?! The chemistry between them is hot! (Even Len agrees!) Probably the best pairing, chemistry wise, of the entire group.
Kelly Osborne – Everyone has been saying that she ‘s the surprise contender and she really is. She has wonderful form and is very graceful. Again, I love that she looks so happy to be there. And Sharon cried! How sweet! (again, I teared up a bit when she ran to her parents for a hug.) She has transformed so beautifully! (not crying…I swear I’m not crying!).
Fox Trot Relay – Natalie, Kathy, Joanna, Debbie – Natalie very graceful, good flow. But again, her facial expression just isn’t there. (Angry swimmer face?) She was much more relaxed in this dance than the salsa. Kathy – she’s stiff and blocky. (In Alli’s words “She continues to be awful’). The judges were nicer than I thought they could have been. Joanna – (seriously what’s up with that hair?). Not bad, but it isn’t really standing out. Not sure who will come out on top – her or Natalie ( I think Natalie). Debbie – she’s looking very careful, and unsure of where her feet are if she can’t see them. But the end was good and she’s certainly high energy.
Cha Cha Cha Relay – Macy, Melissa, Mya, Kelly – very sad food work, but again she does have that sass. She can do the occasional intensely steamy look but the rest of the time se just looks scary. Melissa – again, she’s just so utterly joyous. Good foot work too, precise for a beginner. She did much better in this dance as well, which makes me hope she can stick around for a while. Mya - Tight foot work, she genuinely is one of the best, and is going to be in the running in this season if she can keep it up. Kelly – She looks a little more like her rocker self in this one. Her footwork was a bit stilted in some places, but still quite good, and again she is just so happy, I love it. She’s fantastic. (Also, on a much more cosmetic/silly note, I really liked Kelly and Melissa’s costumes, the other two were not as interesting).
My (sort of) short list: (Knowing that Macy and Ashley have already been eliminated, and would have been in my ‘bottom’ list anyways – though I’m unsure about if it should have been Macy before Kathy)
Will be eliminated ASAP:Chuck Liddel (hopefully not, I like him but acknowledge he's not terribly good at this)
Tom Delay
Kathy Ireland (horrible to moderate staying power, she may hang around for a few more rounds)
Medium Staying Power: Mike Irving
Debbie Mazar
Natalie Coughlin (with room for improvement, she’s not out yet).
Melissa Joan Hart
Stars to watch: Aaron Carter
Mark Dacascos
Donnie Osmond
Louie Vito
Joanna Krupa
Kelly Osbourne (Mya and Joanna were better, but she was heart warming to watch, and has a large fan base which will give her a boost)